Accommodation for international students in Germany
Finding the right accommodation as an international student in Germany is very important. Where you’ll live will have a big impact on your study abroad experience. Albeit a difficult decision, finding a place shouldn’t hold you back from your decision to pursue a degree abroad. Here at Berlin International we make sure you find the most suitable option for accommodation. And our first year students in Graphic Design and Visual Communication have put their view about housing and living in Berlin in a beautiful brocher online.
While our focus here is a bit more general on the two options you have: student halls of residence and private accommodation. Let’s get into the details:
Student halls of residence / student dormitories
If you’re looking to save money, you should get a place in the halls of residence. The low monthly fee isn’t the only attractive feature to this type of housing. Student halls are usually located near the university campus. They offer a great opportunity for social interaction, compared to private accommodation. Often you will find yourself part of social, sporting and cultural activities where you’ll meet other local and international students.
There are different types of accommodation in each hall of residence, depending on what the city’s student union has to offer. For example, in Berlin you can find a single room, single room with bathroom, room for two people, apartment for one, and apartment for several people. Living in a student dormitory means you’ll have to follow a certain set of rules. The students residing in the halls of residence have a self-administration committee. It serves as a liaison between the student union and the students living there.
Applying for accommodation at the halls of residence is done online. We advise you to submit your application as soon as you receive the letter of acceptance for your studies, as there are a lot of students whose preferred choice of housing is the student dormitories. There’re more than 30 student residences located in the different urban districts of Berlin, two of which are very close to Berlin International. Wohnheim Frauenhoferstraße and Wohnheim Siegmunds Hof are both only 10 minutes away on foot. You can find more details about availability, pricing, and applying on studierendenWERK Berlin.
Private accommodation for students
The bigger portion of international students in Germany choose private accommodation. Living in an apartment means more privacy and less rules and procedures. But it also means less opportunities to socialise on a daily level. Be aware that rent prices are more likely to be higher in Berlin than other cities in Germany. Whether you go for student hall of residence or private accommodation, our Student Affair office will help you in the search.
If you’re searching on your own, you should use the phrases “Studenten-WG” and “Studentenwohnung”. Also, make sure that’s followed by the city you’re studying in or the street address to find something close by. If you’re comfortable sharing a place with others, you can register to receive offers at Hochschulkompass. You can also search on Erasmusu and HousingAnywhere. Facebook groups and other social media groups can be helpful as well.
Renting a place usually involves paying a deposit of up to three months in advance. The deposit serves as insurance that you won’t be leaving soon. The landlord will return your deposit if the apartment and furniture aren’t damaged. Furthermore, the monthly rent is divided into two parts. “Kaltmiete” - basic rent without other costs included or “Warmmiete” - with all costs included in the price (final rent price).
Average prices for accommodation in Berlin
Renting an apartment, including the communal costs, circles around 300-700 euros per month. The price depends on the district or whether you’re living alone or with others. Student hall of residence on the other hand is much cheaper, around 250 euros, including communal costs. Keep in mind that the latter are very hard to get and you’ll definitely need to search for one months in advance. Also, be aware of offers, which are too good to be true. We see it all over the world in cities with higher demand than offer that tricksters become active as well. They take real pictures and real addresses, but want a prepayment before the visit or booking.
Temporary accommodation during your first days
In the case that you don’t move into the student dormitories or an apartment upon arriving, temporary accommodation is very common amongst international students in Germany.
Temporary accommodation options for international students in Germany include:
- Cheap hotels
- Low-cost hostels
- Youth hostels (Which are a bit cheaper if you are a member of the Youth Hostel Association by paying a small yearly fee - you might want to check the Youth Hostel Association in your own country first)
- Private B&B (search for “Privatzimmer” + your location)
- Guest house (pension)
Make sure you reserve online early enough before your arrival date..
We hope we addressed your concerns regarding student housing in Germany. Should you choose to study at Berlin International, feel free to reach out to our Student Affairs office at any time via or the form below.