Rasa Weber, M.A.
Interior Architecture/Interior Design
Rasa Weber is a designer and founder based in Berlin. Her design concepts are driven by a strong narrative approach and innovative material research. In her works she creates a link between the creative industries, research and art. She works across the disciplines of architecture, product design, and film. Her passion for visual storytelling and her background in theatre made film a key element of her design strategy. In her work she seeks to create an emotional link between sustainable material innovation, traditional production and visual storytelling. She is one of the founders of They Feed off Buildings, a design and architecture collective from Berlin, in collaboration with Luisa Rubisch. As head of design & founder of Studio Blond & Bieber she works on material and color concept together with textile designer Essi Glomb. She lectured at the University of the Arts Berlin, University Anhalt Dessau, OCAD University Toronto, University of Leeds, and Berlin International.
E-Mail: weber@berlin-international.de