Prof. Adrian von Starck
Interior Architecture/Interior Design
Adrian von Starck was born in Cologne. He studied architecture and urban planning at TU Darmstadt (Diploma 2000) and the Bartlett, UCL, London.
Since 2000 he has been working as an architect, scenographer, and creative director for a number of renowned design agencies such as designaffairs, avcommunication, 3deluxe and Milla & Partner. He has realized numerous projects in the field of 3d-communication such as museums and exhibitions, trade show stands, events, public design, corporate design, and office workspaces. He has a strong focus on visual and spatial storytelling, narrative and atmospheric spaces, brand, product, and knowledge communications.
In addition to his professional work he taught as a lecturer at ABK Stuttgart and HfG Schwäbisch- Gmünd. In 2014 he was appointed deputy professor for Interior Design at HS Wismar.
Prof. von Starck joined BI in 2017 and teaches on the BA and MA Interior Architecture/Interior Design programs. His courses include design projects, building services, lighting design, exhibition design, and others. He is member of the hlb (German union of university teachers) and aed Stuttgart (Initiative of Architects, Engineers and Designers).
Office hours: Wednesdays, 02:00 - 03:00 p.m.
Download CV here.