Orhan Kolukısa, M.Sc.
General Vocational Preparation: Introduction to Photography
Orhan Kolukısa is a photographer and architect. After his graduation from Istanbul Technical University in 1997, he started his career as an architect. He received his master's degree from the ITU Department of Industrial Design. Since 1999, he has been working and lecturing in the fields of architecture, design, and photography.
He started photography in the early 1990s. Since 2010, he has been working as a professional photographer, specializing in architectural photography. His photographs have been published in a multitude of magazines and books. He has participated in numerous exhibitions and collaborated with authors and academicians on multiple books.
Throughout his career, he has consistently maintained architecture as his foundational and comprehensive discipline while exploring other art and design forms. As an artist, his works focus on the tensions between the built environment and nature, and the narratives that arise from these interactions. He considers photography as a way of seeing, a tool for creating context and structure in randomness. He currently lives and works in Berlin.
E-Mail: kolukisa@berlin-international.de