Tips to maintain work-life balance while studying MBA at BI
Completing an MBA degree while working full-time is undoubtedly feasible, however, keep in mind that it can be challenging at times and a lengthy process overall. It requires careful planning and ongoing compromise to keep a healthy work-life balance while studying. Today we are sharing with you some tips for maintaining a work-life balance while pursuing an MBA degree.
Assign a study space
No matter how big or small your household is, finishing academic work at home can be quite difficult when you live with other people, especially children. Even if you live alone, setting up a specific study area is a great way to physically and mentally detach your studies from your everyday life. Any room in your home or a public space such as a local coffee shop or coworking space can be your study area. This area should have minimal distractions, be tidy, organized, and comfortable, with low noise levels.
Make a schedule
It should go without saying that anyone who has trouble managing their time needs to have a routine in place. If your professional work hours are set, you should mark them on the schedule first. Finding out how much time you can realistically devote to studying and other personal and family activities is the next step. Setting aside time for self-care and proper sleep is also essential. Establishing and adhering to a schedule is especially crucial for people who procrastinate.
Recognize your limitations and skills
The majority of people already have a clear idea of their professional and academic strengths and shortcomings. For instance, some people might be able to study for a short time for an exam and ace it, while others would need more time to thoroughly review the content. To help you create the best MBA path for yourself, take time to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Developing and utilizing strong support networks is one of the most crucial abilities a senior executive may possess to thrive in the business sector. This might be reaching out to your family for help or using a housekeeping service to relieve you of some of your household duties. It may also entail alerting your supervisors at work to the particular requirements of your MBA program. Students should always have open lines of communication with instructors, administration, and other students.
Allocate time for leisure
It’s important to take care of yourself, especially if you are trying to juggle work and school with the personal needs of your friends and family. People who fail to factor leisure time into their weekly routine will eventually experience psychological and physical consequences. Another way to put it is, think twice before neglecting self-care because of work, study or household responsibilities.
MBA at Berlin International
The MBA at Berlin International students profit from the program’s flexible and project-based orientation towards entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. The MBA includes valuable interactions with organizations through company visits, simulations, and more in order to prepare global professionals of diverse backgrounds with solid managerial knowledge, tools, and skills.
Thank you for taking the time to read our article on tips for maintaining a work-life balance while pursuing an MBA. If you are interested in studying in Berlin, take a look at the MBA study program we offer.
Feel free to reach out to our Admissions & Student Affairs team at any time via application@berlin-international.de.