Architecture and Interior Design
(Re)thinking Bauhaus
Duration: 3 weeks; 15 June – 3 July
This year, Bauhaus has celebrated its’ 100th year anniversary. Not only has architecture and design that was produced in the legendary school had a major impact on society, but also the didactical methods established at the Bauhaus have been adopted in schools of architecture and design all over the world. The course analyses the school and its impact over the past 100 years.
About the Lecturer
Yelta Köm, trained as an architect and graduated from Städelschule Architecture Class, Frankfurt am Main. He is practicing in various ways the intersection between art, architecture, and research. His research areas include commoning practices, landforms, spatial practices, and art & design theory. Yelta was one of the associate curators of Vardiya/The Shift, which was presented at the Pavilion of Turkey for La Biennale di Venezia 16th Architectural Exhibition in 2018. He is a co-founder of Herkes İçin Mimarlık -Architecture For All-, a non-profit and independent architecture organization based in Istanbul devoted to offering solutions to social problems from an architectural perspective.
Contemporary Furniture Design
Duration: 3 weeks; 6 – 24 July
This is an introductory course on furniture design that starts with researching contemporary approaching in furniture design, and the use of furniture in different cultural contexts. The course continues into the technical production, aesthetics, ergonomic needs, materials and surfaces of furniture, ending with the design and visualization of a piece of furniture through two and three dimensional drawings, models and mock-ups.
Materials/ Equipment Needed:
Laptop , cutter, long ruler (min. 50 cm), hot glue gun, mechanical pencil, set square, adhesive- tape (Masking Tape)
About the Lecturer:
Sven Hansen is a Berlin based product designer. He got his diploma for industrial design at Art School Berlin Weißensee and since then he is the co-founder of the design office Murken Hansen. www.murkenhansen.de Sven Hansen works for international clients on high quality consumer goods in the field of furniture, houseware and lifestyle items. Clients are: Stelton, Cor, Menu Denmark, Casala or Freifrau.
Exploring Alternative Models of Housing
Duration: 3 weeks; 27 July – 14 August
With the demographic shift in society and flow towards the cities, the discussion on healthy and affordable housing becomes essential. The course investigates existing models of housing on a global scale and inquires the future of housing.
About the Lecturer
Yelta Köm, trained as an architect and graduated from Städelschule Architecture Class, Frankfurt am Main. He is practicing in various ways the intersection between art, architecture, and research. His research areas include commoning practices, landforms, spatial practices, and art & design theory. Yelta was one of the associate curators of Vardiya/The Shift, which was presented at the Pavilion of Turkey for La Biennale di Venezia 16th Architectural Exhibition in 2018. He is a co-founder of Herkes İçin Mimarlık -Architecture For All-, a non-profit and independent architecture organization based in Istanbul devoted to offering solutions to social problems from an architectural perspective.